For a moment, re-turning back
Gülnihal Yıldız
14.09.- 21.10.2023
Kairos Gallery is pleased to host Gülnihal Yıldız's first solo exhibition titled "For a moment, re-turning back" between 14.09 - 21.10.2023. Gülnihal Yıldız paints on a translucent surface stretched across the extent of the memory issue that set her to action. The artist brings before us the witness of a series of sceneries that have not (yet) or have (already) happened. The images that appear, much like how lost items show up the moment we stop looking for them, constitute the part-whole relationship of the sceneries in Yıldız's paintings. Gülnihal Yıldız's pastel and oil paintings, which reveal the form of memory rather than its content, and the geometry between the paintings are not only carried to the walls of Kairos but also to the gaze of the spectator, who transforms these walls into a spectacle. The exhibition can be visited in Kairos from September 14 to October 21.